Welcome to the Fitness Challenge App!
- Weekly Challenge: Every week on Monday, a new challenge will be generated for all users. Each challenge consists of three tasks of different difficulty levels: Beginner, Medium, and Beast.
- Task Types: There are four types of fitness tasks in each challenge:
- a. Strength: Focuses on exercises that enhance your strength and muscle development.
- b. Endurance: Involves activities that improve your cardiovascular endurance and stamina.
- c. Agility: Includes exercises that enhance your flexibility, coordination, and balance.
- d. Other: This category involves various sport activities that contribute to overall fitness.
- Additional info: Click the circular 'i' button next to each task to see additional information about the task.
- Earning Points: By completing each task, you earn points based on its difficulty level and type. Beast tasks reward more points than Medium, and Medium tasks reward more points than Beginner.
- Bonus Points: If you successfully complete all three tasks in the weekly challenge, you earn additional bonus points.
- Ranking System: Your total points determine your rank on the leaderboard. The more points you accumulate, the higher you'll climb in the ranks.
- Fair Play: Remember, this app relies on your word and honor, as there's no way for us to verify your results. We trust our community to complete tasks honestly and fairly. It's not only essential for a level playing field but also adds more fun and meaning to your fitness journey when you stay true to your achievements. Let's challenge ourselves together and celebrate our progress with integrity!
- Fitness Focus: All tasks are fitness-oriented, and the challenges are designed to promote a well-rounded workout experience.
- Have Fun and Stay Safe: The primary goal of the app is to encourage fitness and healthy living. Listen to your body and avoid tasks that might pose a risk to your health or well-being.